Monday, August 6, 2012

10 Important Life Lessons You Learn from Living Abroad

I once heard someone say something along the lines of "All pride travel gives you, travel quickly takes away." I have found this to very true. We live in a big world which is full of many wonders, challenges, and adventures which often leads us to have to humble ourselves, get over our preconceived notions about what we "know", and learn that life is mostly awkward and uncomfortable -  but insanely beautiful at the same time. It is my firm belief that everyone should live abroad for a period of at least 6 months at least once in their life in a country totally different from their homeland. The lessons you learn are priceless.
 I recently ran across this blog and loved it so much I simply had to share it. I resonate so deeply with what the author writes. I couldn't have said it better myself actually.

"10 Important Life Lessons You Learn from Living Abroad"

A lot of people philosophize about the Peter Pan appeal of traveling—about regression to a childlike state of wonder and freedom.  We can all see the appeal of traveling back to a time when everything was thrilling and new. But if a vacation is an escape to the magic of childhood, then living abroad is a visit to the pangs of adolescence.  Welcome to the purgatory between young recklessness and adult competency!  Unlike tourists, you are charged with errands and chores; unlike locals, you have no idea how to accomplish anything on your to-do list.
But once you get past the growing pains, and start learning how to take care of yourself on unfamiliar territory, you get to experience the magic of actually growing up.  It’s a world of implicit triumphs and it’ll-be-funny-later humiliations.... click here to read the rest 

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